Reflection #2: Tech Galore

Nothing like an EdTech class to remind me of the reality that my tech knowledge is very surface level!! Over the two classes we’ve had thus far, I’ve been loosing my way trying to follow all the tech jargon. Thankfully, a conversation with Luke reassured me that this is okay. 

I think my biggest takeaway thus far is learning about sharing resources and content via Creative Commons.

Sharing resources, bouncing ideas off colleagues, and finding inspiration from other individuals in the field is such a large aspect of Education. How to do so properly and respectfully has become trickier given the abundance of information on the internet, and the normalcy of accessing anything and everything. Nonetheless, when we find resources and content on the internet, one must ask themselves, “who own’s this stuff?”.  That is intellectual property, explained for dummies like me. 

As a teacher-in-training, I’ll have to remember to give credit where credit is due, and learn to copyright my own work that I want to share! 

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

1 Comment

Technology is intimidating, but give yourself a little credit, you made a blog! I love your simplified version of why creative commons is important. I am still struggling in the realm of copyright. Remember, just because it is hard or new does not make you a dummy! We are all in this together <3

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